HBSE Social Response

HBSE Racial Equity Response Video

Entering the summer of 2020, the murder of George Floyd and subsequent Black Lives Matter movement took hold. The NBA and the 76ers as brands took a leadership position on this issue. I was tasked with providing creative direction and distilling the brand’s tone of voice. I remember having to concept and craft a response over a weekend, just after listening in on an hour long Friday “all hands” where my colleagues shared incredibly emotional personal stories and points of view, which was somehow both emotionally draining but also provided me amazing inspiration to write this piece.

HBSE Commitment to Racial Equity

Crafted messaging and tone for HBSE’s $20M sustained commitment to racial equity across portfolio of properties.

Covid-19 Community Response Video

Wrote on behalf of the "4 for 4" Philadelphia pro sports teams in response to Covid shutdown.